As first, some technical info: generating a high-resolution, large-scale image using artificial intelligence and admire it over your fireplace presents several challenges and costs:

  1. Computational Power: GPUs are expensive and consume a lot of power, leading to increased operational costs.
  2. Time Consumption: The larger and more detailed the image, the longer it takes for the AI to render it.
  3. Data Quality and Quantity: Training our AI models to generate high-quality images required vast amounts of high-resolution training data. Acquiring and curating this data has been costly and labor-intensive. And this job never ends.
  4. Expertise: Developing and fine-tuning AI models for image generation necessitates specialized knowledge in machine learning, neural networks, image processing and of course experts in arts and techniques.
  5. Software and Licensing: Tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, offer features tailored for high-resolution image generation.
  6. Post-Processing: Even after generating the initial image, post-processing steps are often required to enhance quality, correct artifacts, and ensure the final output meets professional standards.
  7. Migration to Canvas: Once the image is ready it needs to be put on the canvas, and this needs skilled people to do the manual jobs

You can use Midjourney, Dall.E and other online tools to develop your images, but no one helps you with the human eye as we do. Considering this, our service is even less expensive than any online machine-only tools.

nuovo create
I am aware that to receive the first prototype image generated by the artificial intelligence, I’ll be charged for the amount of twentynine euros (29,00€) and I won’t be charged for necessary further adjustments/retouch.

Once I decide to proceed in transfer the image on the canvas, this amount will be considered as partial advanced payment for the final product that aiarts will quote me. In case I do not finalize any order, this amount will cover the cost of human assistant time and machine time and power to develop the prototype and its adjustments I asked for.

I will be totally refunded if I do not receive any feedback within 7 days from the confirmation of the payment or in case the job can’t be completed for any ethical or technical reason/s.

And I have already read the privacy policy
And I have already read the Terms and Conditions